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Many congratulations to Shan-Wen, who successfully defended his thesis, the very first from the group! 



Ding's article on spatiotemporal imaging of nonlinear optical conversion in van der Waals waveguides is on arXiv.



Welcome to graduate students Vicente Galicia and Simon Blackhurst!



Welcome to Columbia Quantum Initiative postdoctoral fellows Victoria Quiros-Cordero and Fuyang Tay!



We're delighted to welcome Yuhan Hu to the group for her summer REU!



Huge congratulations to Michelle for being awarded a prestigious NSF GRFP!



Inki's paper on controlling molecular photoisomerization in photonic cavities, showing evidence of cavity-mediated funneling  between different isomers of a reactant mixture, appears in JACS!



We're very excited to welcome graduate students Sarah Melton, Yoon Nah, Noah Bussell and André Koch Liston to the group!



James' paper describing new transport phenomena in superatomic solids, including ballistic excitons through microscopic superradiance, appears in JPCL!



Jack's groundbreaking paper on room-temperature ballistic exciton transport in a superatomic semiconductor appears in Science! Featuring awesome materials from the Roy lab and awesome theory from the Berkelbach group. Read Ellen Neff's press release here.



Shan-Wen's paper on ultrafast imaging of phonon-polariton propagation appears in Nano Letters! Check out how you can use visible light and a 2D semiconductor sensor layer to probe mid-IR phonon-polaritons with femtosecond resolution and few-nanometer precision.



Having completed his postdoc, James begins his new position as a research scientist at SLAC - congratulations!



Ding and Arkajit's comprehensive work on imaging polariton transport and polariton-lattice interactions appears in Nature Communications!



Jack's groundbreaking paper on room-temperature ballistic exciton transport in superatomic materials is out on arXiv!



Congratulations to Yongseok for receiving the prestigious Sejong Science Postdoctoral Fellowship!



Congratulations to Ding for being awarded the prestigious Kathy Chen Fellowship for excellence in Chemistry! And congratulations to Paul for being awarded the Miller Teaching Award! Both very well deserved.



Arkajit and Ding's paper on the development of a microscopic theory of multimode polariton dispersion appears in Nano Letters, an important paper detailing the correct use of coupled oscillator type models for multi-mode microcavities.



We're excited that Columbia undergraduate student Kayla Pham is joining the group!



We're excited to welcome postdoc Yongseok Hong! Yongseok hails from Dongho Kim's group at Yonsei University where he performed beautiful ultrafast experiments on excitons in organic systems.



The group is excited to welcome graduate students Andrea Dai and Michelle Reynoso!



Vicky and Ding give talks at SPIE San Diego on their work on dark exciton and polariton transport.



Jeyson Cruz Felix joins us for the summer high school ENG program from Gregorio Luperon High School - welcome Jeyson!



Milan receives the Beckman Young Investigator award - thank you to the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation!



Emma Charles from Howard University joins us for her REU this summer to work on microscopy of 2D materials - welcome Emma!



Congratulations to Shan-Wen and Jack for being awarded the Departmental Miller Teaching Awards!



Ding's opus on a new, powerful imaging approach to track coherent polariton propagation and interactions in cavities and 2D materials was just posted on arXiv!



Vicky's paper on dark exciton funneling appears in Nano Letters!



Check out Vicky's paper on dark exciton funneling in dielectric nanobubbles, the first time this phenomenon has been observed thanks to scattering microscopy and some great work from Vicky! Just posted on arXiv.



Very exciting times for the lab - we moved the last setup from our temporary space into our brand new labs, completing our move. A new phase begins...



Paul Brown joins the lab as a graduate student. Paul is a graduate from Northwestern University where he did some beautiful work on quantum dot / 2D material interfaces. Welcome to the group Paul!



Rahawa Ghebrelul joins the lab as an undergraduate research from Biomedical Engineering - welcome Rahawa!


After 1.5 years of research on exciton transport in 2D materials in the Delor labs, Eileen starts as a Bridge scholar - congratulations Eileen, we will miss you!

Athena returns to Yale to continue her undergraduate after a successful REU project designing compression cells and studying energy flow in materials under pressure. It was wonderful to have you join us for the summer Athena!



The group welcomes MRSEC REU student Athena Stenor, who is joining us from Yale Chemical Engineering - welcome Athena!



The group welcomes new postdoc James Baxter from Imperial College. James did his PhD in ultrafast protein crystallography using lots of super-cool optical and X-ray techniques - welcome to the group James!



Ding, Vicky and Shan-Wen pass their second year defenses, congratulations all around!


Ding receives the well-deserved 2020-2021 Kasindorf Fellowship from Columbia for his outstanding 1st year achievements - congratulations Ding!



Exciting additions to the group! Will Carson from Miami University joins as a Columbia MRSEC REU student; Jack Tulyag and Inki Lee, incoming Columbia graduate students, join as summer GRAs.




New article out in ACS Energy Letters! Using stroboSCAT to image charge transport in two lead-free double halide perovskites, we find that carrier diffusion lengths exceed 1 micron despite shallow trap-limited transport. These diffusion lengths combined with good absorption properties suggest that halide double perovskites are viable candidates to rival the archetypal lead halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications.




Eileen Moudou, an undergraduate student at Columbia College, joins the group. Welcome!




Milan is awarded the Lenfest Junior Faculty Development Grant. Thank you to the Lenfest program!




Graduate students Shan-Wen Cheng, Vicky Su and Ding Xu join Delor Labs. Welcome!




The Delor lab is growing! We are looking for enthusiastic students and postdocs to join the team in Fall of 2019. Please contact Milan for more information.




Milan Delor to join Columbia University's Department of Chemistry in Fall 2019

©2021 by Delor Labs

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